Eudaimonia – Ancient word with modern twist

Eudaimonia – Ancient word with modern twist

Vikas firmly believes in the concept of Eudaimonai- A concept that he lives and promoted to all . With Greek roots in the concept of “Eudaimonia “ which means to life a happy and fulfilling life ,m as the nature demands from you . While we all live a fast paced life , Dr Vikas Singh believes that you need to live a happy life with no regrets . So , whatever , you do , just ensure that you love the thing you are doing . Otherwise the real happiness from the life will go missing . You not only need to live a professional life but need to make a good balance with your personal life and spend the moments that you love . SO , whether its singing or dancing or a romantic holiday , just ensure that you have enough time to follow your dreams and passions .
No wonder, Vikas has a towering personality that exudes an aura of confidence, humility , elegance and sophistication. Meeting him showshis deep understanding of human side of life and brotherhood bonding . Shouldering various responsibilities with different corporates as well as having shared stage with many international delegates and ministers , the full story on his understanding of life is yet to be written . As told by his mentor , he endorses “ The best is yet to come “ .