Expots-3 common mistakes
Don't be a Superman: One of the common features that most of us have is to "over commit ". Very rarely we say no to anything and try to accept all the inquiries, even if they are not in our product portfolio. Sometimes exporters accept orders for which they don’t have any expertise in it. My sincere advice is to avoid such scenarios. Please conduct proper market research before entering any new market or exporting goods to any new client. Lack of inadequate understanding of the demand, pricing, and competition in the target market can result in failure to penetrate the market.
Don't export snake oil: Remember Clark Stanley and his famous snake oil. There are many companies that sell substandard products in the domestic markets with impunity. However, please remember that international markets are altogether a different ball game. Exporters sometimes overlook the importance of adhering to international quality standards for their products and proclaim many claims about the products which are not genuine. International markets demand many regulatory documents and exporting substandard products or products without tangible claimed benefits can lead to the rejection of shipments.
Don’t presume anything:Crystal clear communication is crucial in international trade, and exporters who fail to communicate effectively with their overseas clients risk losing business. Language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone differences can create misunderstandings and delays. Many times exporters presume about a market, basis their understanding of some other markets. Remember, each market and each customer is unique, so don’t have any preconceived notions about anything,as simple as it may look apparently! So, whether there is a product-related matter, documentation issue, or logistics, always seek maximum information from your buyer .Just effectively communicate with all stakeholders holders and seek all clarification before it's too late.
International business is lucrative but only if you do the business systematically and in a proper way. The above points will help you to avoid costly mistakes and assist you in expanding your business globally.#business #export #communication #experience #markets #help #oil #marketresearch #language #quality #logistics #exportimport #exporters #importers #exporter